Contact Details
Lighting Up Brixham
Neil Worrell and Vicky Pritchard-Davies
Email: [email protected]
Vix Pritchard-Davies 07403 295810
A community interest company.
All proceeds to Brixham town permanent improvements.
Press release: Below
Lighting Up Brixham are pleased to announce the opening of Phase FOUR of ‘Brixham’s Walk’. A series of cast-iron plates on the Breakwater etched with individual names. To celebrate those who love or live in Brixham, past and present. The Walk is open to all. Plate names are individually sponsored.
Neil Worrell and Vicky Pritchard-Davies are founders of Lighting Up Brixham
“It’s a once in a lifetime event” says Neil Worrell.
“We planned this for two years” says Vicky, and we now have well over 500 names immortalised. We’re thrilled to have reached this stage. When I got cancer several years ago, I prayed that I’d see this day – and I have - so I’m understandably emotional”.
Neil adds “Three phases are laid. The cast iron gently rusts, reflecting the rich history of ore mining in Brixham as well as the rust on the trawlers in the harbour and the red sails of the heritage boats”.
"The outpouring of emotion around these names has taken us by surprise. Every name, whether living or dead, encapsulates a life story”.
The first name is JACKIE ROBINSON, Neil’s wife who died in 2017 of a brain tumour. He says "she was the inspiration behind this; an astute, clever, inspirational, focussed woman. A genius, demanding but world class and who it was a privilege to work with and love”.
The "Victoria Breakwater" extends into Torbay for half a mile "and is named after me” jokes Vicky. She adds “More seriously, we’re delighted to have been able to work with Brixham’s Northfield foundry which has done a great job of casting the plates”.
Neil & Vicky started Lighting Up Brixham in 2019 after both having had setbacks in their lives and wanting to make a difference. “We both raised money for national charities” says Vicky, but then Neil insisted that “we did something for the town and not send the money to London”. And already The Walk is making a difference. All profits go to permanent town improvements - we provide our services for free” says Neil,
Neil continues “We’re passionate about the town - and so are thousands of others. This new project enables people to celebrate their love for Brixham and support it, in a physical and permanent way”. Brixham receives more than half a million visitors a year and has bounced back strongly from the pandemic. The town typically receives over 600,000 visitors a year. With a population of 18,000 in the town.
Vicky adds "Everybody can have their names on the Breakwater. In our view, it’s nicer, and cheaper, than a bench - and no varnishing! You can stand on ‘The Walk’ and reflect on the people whose names are inscribed - and who will be there for decades. Imagine your children and grandchildren visiting in 20-30 years time….It’s emotional for many and they often tell us so – often with tears in their eyes”.
Registration for "Phase Four" is now open. Well, what are you waiting for?
Be on Brixham’s Walk of Fame.
Neil Worrell 07565 962229
Vix Pritchard-Davies 07403 295810
Lighting Up Brixham are pleased to announce the opening of Phase FOUR of ‘Brixham’s Walk’. A series of cast-iron plates on the Breakwater etched with individual names. To celebrate those who love or live in Brixham, past and present. The Walk is open to all. Plate names are individually sponsored.
Neil Worrell and Vicky Pritchard-Davies are founders of Lighting Up Brixham
“It’s a once in a lifetime event” says Neil Worrell.
“We planned this for two years” says Vicky, and we now have well over 500 names immortalised. We’re thrilled to have reached this stage. When I got cancer several years ago, I prayed that I’d see this day – and I have - so I’m understandably emotional”.
Neil adds “Three phases are laid. The cast iron gently rusts, reflecting the rich history of ore mining in Brixham as well as the rust on the trawlers in the harbour and the red sails of the heritage boats”.
"The outpouring of emotion around these names has taken us by surprise. Every name, whether living or dead, encapsulates a life story”.
The first name is JACKIE ROBINSON, Neil’s wife who died in 2017 of a brain tumour. He says "she was the inspiration behind this; an astute, clever, inspirational, focussed woman. A genius, demanding but world class and who it was a privilege to work with and love”.
The "Victoria Breakwater" extends into Torbay for half a mile "and is named after me” jokes Vicky. She adds “More seriously, we’re delighted to have been able to work with Brixham’s Northfield foundry which has done a great job of casting the plates”.
Neil & Vicky started Lighting Up Brixham in 2019 after both having had setbacks in their lives and wanting to make a difference. “We both raised money for national charities” says Vicky, but then Neil insisted that “we did something for the town and not send the money to London”. And already The Walk is making a difference. All profits go to permanent town improvements - we provide our services for free” says Neil,
Neil continues “We’re passionate about the town - and so are thousands of others. This new project enables people to celebrate their love for Brixham and support it, in a physical and permanent way”. Brixham receives more than half a million visitors a year and has bounced back strongly from the pandemic. The town typically receives over 600,000 visitors a year. With a population of 18,000 in the town.
Vicky adds "Everybody can have their names on the Breakwater. In our view, it’s nicer, and cheaper, than a bench - and no varnishing! You can stand on ‘The Walk’ and reflect on the people whose names are inscribed - and who will be there for decades. Imagine your children and grandchildren visiting in 20-30 years time….It’s emotional for many and they often tell us so – often with tears in their eyes”.
Registration for "Phase Four" is now open. Well, what are you waiting for?
Be on Brixham’s Walk of Fame.
Neil Worrell 07565 962229
Vix Pritchard-Davies 07403 295810